Friends of Barry Primary School
The Friends of Barry Primary School (FBPS) is a long established group of parents and teachers with three main aims:
- To raise funds to pay for extra resources and activities for the pupils of the school. This is not to replace statutory funding for curriculum activities;
- To provide opportunities to contribute to the role of the school in the local community;
- To provide opportunities for the families involved in the school to participate in social and fundraising events.
How do the Friends fundraise?
- Movie Nights
- School Discos (normally three per school year)
- Quiz Nights for Parents/Carers
- Summer Fete
- Tuck Shop
What the Friends provided
What did the money raised by the Friends pay for/towards in the last school year?
- Playground Equipment
- Enrichment days for all year groups including Egyptian/Tudor/Viking/Medieval days (History Off The Page)
- Subsidised school trips for all year groups
- Subsidised pantomime tickets
What else Friends do for BPS
What else do the Friends do for the school?
- Organise and help run the fundraising events, with the support of staff and volunteers;
- Provide refreshments at school events such as concerts, parents' evenings, new parent evenings, etc;
- Run a bookfair at Parents' Evenings which provides books for the school.
Get Involved
How can I help?
- Support our fundraising events throughout the year by volunteering to help with preparation/on the day, or just come and enjoy the event;
- Suggest new ways to raise money;
- Donations of raffle prizes/hamper contents (when asked for);
- Let us know if you can apply for matched funding through your employer;
- Join the Friends of Barry Primary School - please contact the school office stating your name and contact information.