History of the School
If walls could talk, then Barry Primary School would have an interesting tale to tell! Many thousands of children have passed through its doors since it opened in 1901 as Abington Avenue Temporary Board School. To begin with there were seventy one children in the school – nowadays, we are one of the largest Primary Schools in town, with over four hundred children at the moment.
In 1902 there was an official opening ceremony, when the school became Barry Road Board School – there were actually three departments – Infants, Boys and Girls. Each department had its own door, which can still be seen around the school. If you look carefully you can also find a door which has the title ‘Babies’.
The school’s log books show a rich and colourful history. Around the time that the school was opened, it was then closed for the day to celebrate the coronation of King Edward VII. Another noteworthy event, which led to the school being closed, was the visit of Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show – younger readers may need to do a bit of Googling to find out more!
Many, many people in Northampton have learnt to swim in Barry Road baths and have fond – and not so fond – memories of their early swimming experiences! The pool was opened in 1903. Records show that in preparation Adnitts (now Debenhams on The Drapery) supplied four hundred bathing towels and Brice’s supplied two hundred pairs of bathing drawers – which cost ‘3/11 halfpenny for a dozen’. Again, for you younger folk, more research may be required to make sense of that.
In 1917, during the First World War, the school was taken over by the military authorities and staff and pupils had to transfer to Vernon Terrace School. We have photos of the swimming pool, which has been boarded over and is being used as a hospital ward.
In 1921, the school changed to become a Girls’ Intermediate and Junior and Infant Schools. This was followed in 1935 by the introduction of male teachers – this must have been quite a change for the children. Also in 1935, Miss Agutter became the headteacher; she was here until she retired in 1961. It is obviously a school that inspires loyalty and long service.
During the Second World War, the Log books show that the school grew bigger when evacuee children moved to Northampton, from places such as Ipswich. Air raid drills and gas mask drills had to take place, in much the same way as we have fire drills today.
In 1968 the school changed into a Primary School and was provided with indoor toilets. No more frozen systems in the winter! A relief for all, I would imagine. In 1969 a willow tree was planted in the playground. Little could the staff have guessed that many years later the same willow tree would lead to a total redevelopment of the playground, as its roots started to break up the surface in their hunt for water.
The Nursery unit opened in 1971 and the school now had six hundred and fifteen children on roll. Every space must have been used.
In 1975, the school changed again and became Barry Lower School; children left when they were nine to go to middle school and then upper school. This was happening in schools all over Northampton. The school did not use the Annexe - it was used as a computer centre for schools across the town.
In 1977 there was a fire in the school, when all the children were here. The children were evacuated and the Fire Brigade was called. Many classrooms were damaged by the fire, but thankfully no one was hurt.
The school finally changed back to a Primary School in 2002. We started to use the Annexe for our Years five and six children and an ICT suite was added. This was followed by the kitchen, which has given many of our children the opportunity to cook, including providing a Christmas lunch for our Senior Citizens group. We also took control of the Sports Annexe at this time, a facility which is shared with other local schools. Our older children really enjoy using the outdoor sports pitch, both during lessons, at lunchtimes and in after school clubs.
Barry Primary School has evolved and changed over the last hundred years or so. The unique building and history add to the character of the school and helps to make it the welcoming, vibrant community school that it has become.