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Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium funding is money allocated to schools for children who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).  Funding is also provided via the Pupil Premium for children of our Servicemen and women and for children who have, during their time in our school been eligible for Free School Meals (Ever 6). 

Schools are free to choose how to spend the Pupil Premium funding for these children, but it is provided to help the children meet their full potential and to ensure that they have the same school experiences as non-Pupil Premium children.  Many of our children have made faster progress because of the pupil premium funding.  Please click on the links below to view details of how the money was spent in the previous two years.

If you think you may be eligible for Pupil Premium Funding, please speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.  Please note that your child does not have to have school hot lunches and can still bring a packed lunch to school even if they are receiving Pupil Premium Funding, but they could be eligible for much of the additional other support provided.

If you require any further information, please click on the link above, which will take you directly to the Department for Educations website.

Parental support and involvement is a key factor in raising children’s achievements, if you would like help or advice supporting your child, please speak to your child’s class teacher.

2021 - 2022

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