Free School Meals
Please follow this link to check your eligibility for free school meals.
Universal free school meals are available to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. On the day your child starts school you will be given an account activation letter and you will then be able to book lunches online. In the meantime, please send your child to school with a packed lunch.
If your child is in any other year group, please click on the link above to apply for free school meals.
School Meals
Coombs Catering Partnership will be the supplier of school meals at Barry Primary from September 2024. Parents will still order meals using Parent Pay. The cost of each meal is £2.53.
If you are already registered for Parent Pay you do not need to do anything further. New menus for the Autumn term have been uploaded.
If your child has any allergies, intolerances or special diets, please choose one from the relevant forms below, and return to the school before you order any meals.
Food allergen or intolerance form A
Religious or chosen diet form B
Please speak to the school office or email if you require assistance.
Current Menus
(updated) Barry Menu Autumn Term 2024
Please also look out for our themed meal days -
Current menus are also uploaded to ParentPay.
60-Second Vegtastic Lunchbox Hacks
Please click on this link for simple ideas to add more veg to lunchboxes.