KS2 Progression of knowledge
‘A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing.’ (National Curriculum 2014 – Appendix A).
At Barry, we use the Kapow Spanish scheme of work which aims to instil a love of language learning and an awareness of other cultures.
We want pupils to develop the confidence to communicate in Spanish for practical purposes, using both written and spoken Spanish. We aim to give pupils a foundation for language learning that encourages and enables them to apply their skills to other languages, facilitates further language study and opens future opportunities to study and work abroad.
Kapow Primary’s Spanish scheme of work supports pupils to meet the National curriculum end of Key stage 2 attainment targets (there are no Key stage 1 attainment targets for languages).
Our curriculum aim is to provide pupils with a firm foundation of language learning. Our Spanish curriculum are is comprised of the three core strands:
● Phonics.
● Vocabulary.
● Grammar.
Pupils connect these building blocks of knowledge to create meaning in a variety of contexts, allowing them to develop their skills in the following strands:
● Language comprehension: listening and reading
● Language production: speaking and writing
Spanish is taught throughout Key Stage 2. We use the Kapow scheme of work, allowing pupils the opportunity to communicate for practical purposes around familiar subjects and routines. The scheme provides balanced opportunities for communication in both spoken and written Spanish. Pupils first develop confidence and accuracy with oral skills then increasingly apply their knowledge to extended reading and writing as they progress through Key stage 2.
This follows a spiral curriculum model, with key skills, grammar and vocabulary revisited with increasing complexity, allowing pupils to revise and build on their previous learning. Cross-curricular links are included throughout our Spanish units, allowing children to make connections and apply their language skills to other areas of their learning.
Lessons are active and engaging, incorporating some examples of the following as teaching and learning strategies:
- Role-play activities – children are given the opportunity to play the role within situations that they may find themselves in when visiting different places later in life.
- Games – these are used as an engaging method of reinforcing vocabulary through repetition and the opportunity to demonstrate knowledge within a range of contexts.
- Song with actions and rhymes – used to develop memory and association skills along with phonetic skills to further enhance vocabulary acquisition.
- Opportunity to read and write Spanish text.
Through the delivery of our Spanish curriculum, we aim to:
● Be able to engage in purposeful dialogue in practical situations (e.g. ordering in a cafe, following directions) and express an opinion.
● Make increasingly accurate attempts to read unfamiliar words, phrases and short texts.
● Speak and read aloud with confidence and accuracy in pronunciation.
● Demonstrate understanding of spoken language by listening and responding appropriately.
● Use a bilingual dictionary to support their language learning.
● Be able to identify word classes in a sentence and apply grammatical rules they have learnt.
● Have developed an awareness of cognates and near-cognates and be able to use them, and other language detective skills, to tackle unfamiliar words in Spanish, English and other languages.
● Be able to construct short texts on familiar topics.
● Meet the end of Key stage 2 stage expectations outlined in the national curriculum for languages.
● Develop a greater awareness of the wider world and an appreciation for the role of language learning in promoting cross-cultural understanding.
- Prepare children for KS3 and allow for successful continuation of their language development.